
  • People always turn to murder mysteries in the Fall due to their autumnal aesthetic, but there are better genres for the season.
  • Horror and Halloween movies are a great choice for the Fall, providing scares and celebrating the time of the year.
  • But romantic comedies are the coziest genre, offering a comforting escape that appeals to all tastes.

It's that time of year again when Fall looms, and audiences begin to debate which films they should be watching to match the season. This Fall, there's a huge array of blockbusters and indie flicks heading to the big screen that are sure to entertain and engage viewers. However, not all of the movies that are out in theaters are actually tailored to match the Fall season. Some are simply being released to match up with the long-term schedule plans and have not been carefully curated to encourage those autumnal feelings.

Each year, the discourse begins again, but while there are certainly a lot of opinions on the specific movies that cater to the Fall, there's less of a discussion surrounding the genre. Indeed, certain genres match the autumnal energy far better than others. A couple are obvious, while some are a little more unexpected. Regardless, these are perhaps the best movie genres to check out this Fall, and there are some true gems among them that will undoubtedly become traditional watching each year.

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Murder Mysteries Are Steeped in Nostalgia

Daniel Craig as Benoit Blanc Smoking a Cigar in Knives Out

Murder mysteries are one of the main genres that autumnal round-ups seem to focus on. That's partially because movies like Knives Out lean into the autumnal aesthetic, bringing in reds, yellows and oranges to the color palette. There's also an element of horror and intrigue to a murder mystery that taps into the murderous and dark themes that Halloween movies are associated with. So, from a very superficial perspective, murder mysteries tick all the Fall boxes. However, departing from Summer and into the Fall, the weather gets colder, and audiences are looking for something a little cozier.

It's the time of year to sit by the fire reading a good book, and murder mysteries tap into that sense of nostalgia. The genre has always been a massive hit in the publishing industry and harks back to Agatha Christie tales of suspense and intrigue. Movies like See How They Run or Murder on the Orient Express honor that nostalgia and play upon those same feelings. Watching one of those films is just like turning to page one while drinking a hot cup of cocoa, drawn in by the enigma that's about to unfold.

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It's Prime Time for Horror and Halloween

Sally and Jack Skellington gazing at each other in The Nightmare Before Christmas

Naturally, when thinking about Fall, most people associate the time of year with Halloween. There are a couple of different genres that play into that seasonal event, including horrors, slashers and serial killer flicks. Audiences love to be scared, and right now, the industry is experiencing a bit of a comeback for the genre. There are now more quality horror pictures than ever, with studios embarking on low-budget projects that are gory, inventive and packed with plenty of dark humor. There are classics like Halloween and Scream for audiences to dig into this Fall and modern genre-defining releases such as Get Out and Bodies Bodies Bodies that subvert expectations for the horror and thriller categories.

However, Halloween isn't just about those pictures that leave the audience turning away from sheer fear. A whole new genre has arisen that plays directly into the festivities. Halloween films are a whole different category unto themselves. They are aimed at families to enjoy and often manage to balance a few scares with plenty of humor and autumnal imagery. From Nightmare Before Christmas to Hocus Pocus and even the Harry Potter movies to an extent, these films celebrate the fun and goofy aspects of Halloween. So, while characters like Chucky or Michael Myers might be iconic because of their brutality and penchant for inspiring terror, those who are not so fond of the horror genre are far more likely to turn to the Addams Family or Disney's Halloweentown for their spooky stories. But, all of these genres that play into Halloween don't represent the Fall season as a whole and thus fall short of being the perfect movies to choose from.

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What Audiences Want Is Something Cozy

Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks star in You've Got Mail

Surprisingly, the best genre for the Fall season might not be what audiences expect. Romantic comedies aren't for everyone, but those who love them will absolutely be dipping into the latest releases in the genre this Fall. So many, like You've Got Mail or When Harry Met Sally, play into the colors and tone of the season. They have those same reds, yellows and oranges in the visual palette and are often set during the time of year. And the idea that people feel additional nostalgia during the Fall is, once again, relevant, as rom-coms and other romantic texts sell out every year in bookstores around the country. Just like murder mysteries, it's the perfect genre to snuggle up under a blanket and enjoy. But cozy storytelling has one extra element that romantic comedies utilize. Ignoring the overused tropes and surprise twists, rom-coms are often safe films.

There might be some emotional turmoil along the way, but rom-coms are fun, comforting and warm. They will probably conclude with a happy ending and are a far cry from the spooks and scares of Halloween-related releases. Even a murder mystery contains an element of dangerous tension that romantic comedies usually avoid altogether. Romantic comedies have essentially become the alternative viewing option that defies the expectations of Fall genres. Rom-coms speak to the annual desire to escape the impending bleakness and cold of Winter and instead get warmed by a good love story. It's also a genre that boasts such variety that there's always a film that can appeal to viewers, regardless of their tastes. The breadth and depth of the genre are to be commended, and yet, rom-coms aren't celebrated nearly enough, often getting viewed as trashy and not true cinema. This autumn, it's time to embrace romantic comedies once more as a genre made for the season. Continue loving murder mysteries, Halloween epics and horror in all its forms. But don't forget about those softer stories that produce a different type of escapism when it's most needed.