Jennifer Roy-

Jennifer Roy

About Jennifer Roy

Jennifer Roy is a children's literature scholar and a freelance writer. She currently is focusing on writing content for CBR. She received her Ph. D. in English in 2020. A common thread of her scholarly work is a focus on the use of adaptation and particular motifs to tell and retell stories. You can find her on twitter at @jen_d_roy.

A pod of Purrgil travel through hyperspace to another galaxy in Ahsoka 1
Ahsoka's Most Powerful Creatures Pull From an Unexpected Legend

Ahsoka shows that while Star Wars' Purrgil are inspired by real world whales, they also draw from legends about elephants as well.

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Ahsoka Solidifies One Star Wars Hero's Greatest Strength

Ahsoka, Season 1, Episode 6, "Part Six: Far, Far Away," shows that building bridges is one of the Jedi's greatest strengths, no matter the galaxy.

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Star Wars Reveals C-3PO's Surprising Friendship With the Sarlacc

Charlie Jane Anders' "My Mouth Never Closes" reveals that the Sarlacc was a tragic Star Wars figure, not a monster as Return of the Jedi suggested.

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Ahsoka's Flashbacks Emphasize the Cost of the Clone Wars

Ahsoka's flashbacks in "Part Five: Shadow Warrior" emphasize the trauma of the Clone Wars and the continuing impact of war in the New Republic era.

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Star Wars' Boba Fett Accidentally Engineered His Own Sarlacc Pit Fall

Tara Sim's "Reputation" focuses on the pride before Boba Fett's fall, making his character arc in The Book of Boba Fett even more meaningful.

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Ahsoka: Is Huyang an Example of Droid Enlightenment?

Professor Huyang's long existence shows that he has likely become sentient by the time he appears in Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Ahsoka.

Three images of Offmon cheering, Gammamon smiling and Patamon looking concerned in Digimon 1
10 Cutest Digimon Partners, Ranked

The Digimon franchise has many adorable Digimon, but which Digimon partner is the cutest of them all?

A close-up of EV-9D9 in Star Wars Return of the Jedi 1
Star Wars Examines Consciousness Using One of the Franchise's Cruelest Droids

Star Wars just explored themes of consciousness and redemption through EV-9D9, a torture droid in Jabba's Palace, from Return of the Jedi.

Rancor In Star Wars 1
Return of the Jedi's Most Heartbreaking Scene Just Became Even More Devastating

Saladin Ahmed's "The Plan" explores Malakili and Pateesa's bond, making Pateesa's death even more heartbreaking in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi.

A split image of Buggles from Star Wars Resistance, a porg in Return of the Jedi, and a tikotiko in Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. 1
10 Cutest Star Wars Creatures

While Star Wars has many adorable alien creatures, these particular species are the cutest non-sentient wildlife found in galaxy far, far away.

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Ahsoka: Sabine's Loth-Cat is Deeply Symbolic, Here is What it Means

In Ahsoka's premiere, Sabine Wren's pet loth-cat symbolically connects her to an important person from her past and hints at her future.

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Two Clone Wars Arcs Could Be Crucial to Ahsoka's New Star Wars Series

Two arcs in Star Wars: The Clone Wars establish Ahsoka's mentorship abilities toward younger Jedi, and these relationships may guide her new series.

M5-BZ, U9-C4, WAC-47, Colonel Meebur Gascon, QT-KT and R2-D2 in a desert like landscape in Star Wars: The Clone Wars 1
Star Wars' R2-D2 Was Part of D-Squad - A Team Whose Heroic Feats Span Eras

With the upcoming return of Star Wars' D-Squad in the comics, here is a look at their origins and heroism in Star Wars: The Clone Wars.

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REVIEW: Marvel's Star Wars: Return of the Jedi - Max Rebo #1

Marvel's Star Wars: Return of the Jedi - Max Rebo #1 is a quieter contemplation of mortality and a fitting end to Marvel's one-shot series.

The Scourge possesses an Imperial droid in Star Wars Dark Droids 1 1
Star Wars' Latest Event Series Has Ties to the High Republic's Drengir

The Scourge's hunger throughout Star Wars: Dark Droids #1 hints at a vital connection between Star Wars latest threat and the High Republic's Drengir.

Luke Skywalker and R2-D2 are surrounded by droids possessed by the Scourge on Leinil Francis Yu and Romulo Fajardo Jr.'s cover of Star Wars Dark Droids 1 1
REVIEW: Marvel's Star Wars: Dark Droids #1

Marvel's Star Wars: Dark Droids #1 effectively creates a horror atmosphere and sets up the Scourge as a dangerous threat to the Star Wars galaxy.

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Count Dooku's Tales of the Jedi Fall Mirrors a Star Wars Visions Sith

Both Count Dooku and the Ronin became Siths to try to better the galaxy, but they both became the very evil they hoped to fight. Here's how.

Baze Malbus and Chirrut Imwe on Diego Saito and Leigh Zieske's cover of Star Wars Guardians of the Whills 1
How a Strange Star Wars Novel Was Adapted Into One of the Franchise's Best Manga

One of Star Wars' best novels was adapted into a manga that gave its star characters even more time to shine.

Sav Malagán leaps into battle with her lightsabers drawn on the cover of Star Wars The High Republic Adventures 2 1
What's the Best Reading Order for Star Wars: The High Republic Phase II?

For the Star Wars: The High Republic subseries' second phase, chronological order works best because multiple works overlap during critical events.

Nimona spreads her wings in the Nimona Netflix animation 1
Why Blue Delliquanti's Across a Field of Starlight Is Perfect for Nimona Fans

Like Nimona, Blue Delliquanti's Across a Field of Starlight tackles oppression and shows how friendship and kindness are the core for new hope.

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