The Marvel Cinematic Universe has taken so much inspiration from the comic book page. Marvel fans can trace each of its mystical items and strange objects of power back to the source material. Marvel Comics has a long history of depicting artifacts of supreme importance, that can change reality and alter destinies. These artifacts often act as "McGuffins" within larger narrative events.

By definition, an artifact is an ancient item shrouded in mystery and that has a long lineage of owners. Their impact on the Marvel Universe has become legendary. Thanks to the destructive power or corrupting influence they wield, there will always be tales about Marvel's most powerful artifacts. Whether they are weapons, books, or magical relics, they stand in a league of their own, making them infinitely more dangerous.

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10 The Casket Of Ancient Winters

The Casket of Ancient Winters from Marvel Comics

The Casket Of Ancient Winters looks small and insignificant in the hands of a Frost Giant. The artifact is a simple box in its exterior, although it features some ancient and beautiful carvings that must possess important meanings lost to time. It's what is inside the Asgardian artifact that makes it so intense.

The Casket of Ancient Winters contains the Fimbulwinter of Ymir. When opened, it creates lethal snowstorms and a chill that even the Frost Giants themselves are damaged by. In his storied lore, many of Thor's enemies have used the Casket in an attempt to thwart the Asgardian. Surtur, Hela, and Malekith have all waged failing wars with the Casket, demonstrating it can be resisted.

9 The Ebony Blade

Chris Powell's rendition of Black Knight lifts aloft a crackling Ebony Blade

The Ebony Blade is steeped in Arthurian legend and has been associated with multiple iterations of the Black Knight — including Dane Whitman and his daughter, Jackie Chopra. The sword is a powerful artifact, which corrupts its user with evil and dark thoughts. It also feeds on the anger of those who possess it.

Merlin claims the blade can only be wielded by those who are impure of heart, so that its true power can be unleashed. The depths of the Blade's capabilities may never be known, but it can cut through nearly anything, can deflect magical attacks, and is linked to the immortality of the wielder. Despite its strength, the Ebony Blade can mentally weaken its user because of its dark effect.

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8 Eye Of Agamotto

Luke Cage holds the Eye of Agamotto

The Eye of Agamotto is traditionally associated with the Sorcerer Supreme Doctor Strange, although naturally the artifact dates back to the magical Agamotto himself. Its origins are unclear. Many assume the titular owner discovered it, or perhaps even created the Eye.

Regardless of how the Eye of Agamotto came to be, its potential is limitless. The Eye allows the wielder to see through enchantments, acts as a protective barrier against mystical attack, and has been vital in many incantations. Doctor Strange continues to discover new ways to use the Eye, but even its incredible skills have been surpassed by stronger magical items.

7 Mjolnir

Loki casually playing with Mjolnir in Marvel Comics.

Mjolnir is one of the most famous weapons in all the Marvel Universe. Indeed, compared to other companies, Marvel has defined many heroes by the objects they use in battle. Case in point, Thor just doesn't feel complete without his Asgardian hammer. Taken from Norse mythology, Mjolnir can only be wielded by those who are worthy of it.

Mjolnir is a weapon for the gods, which was forged by Eitri of the Dwarves out of the magical material, Uru. It's fast, and nearly unbreakable, helping to channel Thor's thunderous powers. But it's also slightly temperamental and has sometimes possessed a mind of its own — especially when bonded to Odin's spirit.

6 The Norn Stones

The Hood holding the Norn Stones

The Norn Stones rarely appear in Marvel Comics, but they possess power that is only limited by the imagination of its user. They are boosters for those who dwell in the realms of the supernatural, empowering both Loki and The Hood in the past.

The enchanted gems of Karnilla are entirely unpredictable because their abilities change from person to person. It's as if the stones themselves choose their owners, and only reveal what they wish to. It's that instability that grounds them from surpassing some of the most supreme Marvel artifacts. However, their use in major comic events such as Siegedemonstrates their potential.

5 The Mandarin's Rings

Ironheart makes use of the Mandarin's rings.

The Mandarin's Rings have been depicted differently in the MCU. Now the Shang-Chi of the comic book universe utilizes Bands that are very similar to those featured on the big screen. However, the original Rings of the Mandarin are still very much in play and are more dangerous than ever.

The Mandarin's Rings are said to be technology from the Makluans, a species known for the monstrous Fin Fang Foom. The rings possess both artificial intelligence and the souls of cosmic warriors. Each Ring was capable of a different ability — blasting lighting, ice, or fire at the opponent. With ten rings, there's a lot of variation, but it's only together that these Rings are truly game changing.

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4 All-Black

Gorr The God Butcher With All-Black The Necrosword In Thor: God of Thunder

All-Black the Necrosword has such a complicated history which is entwined with Knull and the Symbiotes. The sentient sword is vastly corrupting and is made from living darkness. Few have wielded the blade across the years, but each time they do, destruction follows.

All-Black is an artifact for the gods to use, but it can also tear the pantheons down. Gorr the God Butcher made quick work of countless deities using All-Black. The blade bonds with its wielder, giving them increased strength, durability, regeneration, longevity, and speed. Its ability to kill gods makes it strong enough to break the balance of the Marvel Universe.

3 The Cosmic Cube

The Red Skull holding the Cosmic Cube in Marvel Comics

The Cosmic Cube can reshape reality, but it's not a toy to be trifled with. Many have tried and failed to truly control its immense power. Very few have completely mastered what the Cube is capable of, but villains like Red Skull and Doctor Doom have elevated their threat level thanks to the artifact.

The Cosmic Cube can control matter and energy, unlocking the secrets of the universe itself. The lore surrounding the Cube has changed, like many other elements from comic book mythology. In its simplest form, the Cosmic Cube grants wishes, unleashing the deepest and often darkest desires of the wielder.

2 The Darkhold

Doctor Doom casts a spell from the Darkhold in Marvel Comics

There are so many forgotten Avengers comic book arcs that deserve more attention, and often, the Darkhold is at their center. The magical book is dark and twisted, an artifact of the Elder God Chthon. Contained among its pages are spells and incantations that are so evil that they should never be read.

Alas, many a hero and villain have fallen afoul of the Darkhold in an attempt to unleash its power. The unwieldy nature of the book requires great study and care, with many minds falling to the shadowy thoughts within. In theory, realities could be completely destroyed by the Darkhold should an accomplished reader so desire.

1 The Infinity Gauntlet

Silver Surfer wears the Infinity Gauntlet

The Infinity Gauntlet is an artifact of cosmic proportions. It's an item that has inspired comic book events that run across multiple titles. It even led to the largest Marvel Cinematic Universe movie to date. The Gauntlet collects together the Infinity Gems or Stones, each of which is incredibly dangerous in their own right.

The Soul, Space, Time, Power, Reality, and Mind gems can be assembled to achieve almost anything. The wielder must possess great strength to have the fate of the universe in their hand. The Gauntlet grants nigh omnipotence to the user, allowing any wearer to tower over the cosmic beings of reality. It seems only the Living Tribunal and the One Above All can surpass the Infinity Gauntlet.