Peter Parker and Miles Morales are currently the two most iconic iterations of Spider-Man in Earth-616. But the multiverse is vast and multiple other characters have stepped into the web-head's role, taking over for Peter and Miles and leaving their own legacy in a different reality. Marvel loves seeing what would happen if Spidey's friends and enemies begin to don the mask.

Ignoring the likes of Otto Octavius, Gwen Stacy, and Norman Osborn, there's a huge roster of Marvel characters across the universe who are very credible Spider-Man candidates on different worlds. Whether it's because of their personalities, backstories or connections to Spider-Man, these characters would genuinely make a lot of sense as web-slinger variants.

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10 Eddie Brock

Eddie Brock standing scared while missing one eye

Eddie Brock is most well known as a host to the symbiote Venom. He has been both a foe and an uneasy ally to Spider-Man in Earth-616, jumping from villain to anti-hero after years of complex and compelling storytelling.

In another universe, perhaps Eddie Brock bonded with the Venom symbiote and immediately became the black-suited Spider-Man. The Spider-Men of alternate worlds didn't necessarily begin their superhero careers by being bitten by a spider. By twisting Spider-Man and Venom's mythology once more, a more dangerous and deadly neighborhood hero could be born.

9 Nick Fury

Nick Fury running while pointing his gun on th comics

Nick Fury Jr. continues his father's legacy as an intelligent and skilled international operative, who spends more time in the shadows than he does out in the open. While the agent might be incredibly secretive in his work, Fury is committed to making tough choices for the betterment of the Earth.

Nick Fury's never-say-die attitude meshes well with Spider-Man's mantras. Fury understands the responsibility of power and while he certainly doesn't have an Uncle Ben, his father is an icon to live up to. Fury being bitten by a radioactive spider and becoming Spider-Man: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. would make for an intriguing change of pace where the web-head continues to stick to those same shadows.

8 Marc Spector

Moon Knight #30 Variant Cover by Greg Capullo

Marc Spector is known as the street-level vigilante Moon Knight. His methods are far more violent than anything Peter Parker or Miles Morales would approve of, but it's definitely an interesting concept to see that brutality applied to a version of Spider-Man. J. Jonah Jameson would certainly be given more wood to burn on his anti-Spider-Man rampage.

However, Marc Spector is also the avatar of the moon god Khonshu. Spider-Man has been associated with the spider god Anansi in the past, so there's another connection to be drawn there. In this alternative world, maybe Spector was chosen to represent a different deity altogether.

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7 Steve Rogers

steve rogers in his captain america suit standing in front of a blaring light in a doorway

Among the superhero community, there are only a few heroes who have earned a beloved reputation and universal respect. Steve Rogers and Peter Parker are two characters who breathe that rare air. Rogers is a war hero and a symbol of justice. But he doesn't need to be Captain America to still preach that message.

Spider-Man represents so many of the same things that Captain America does. What's so important is whose behind the mask; if their heart is in the right place they can truly live up to the icon. Perhaps in another world, the Super Soldier Serum was corrupted by spider venom, leading to a more patriotic web-head. Steve understands the responsibility more than anyone.

6 Ganke Lee

Ganke Lee and Miles Morales in Ultimate Spider-Man

There are so many side characters in Spider-Man's world that deserve the spotlight. Ganke Lee, Miles Morales' best friend, has been portrayed in countless ways on the page and the screen, but regardless of the iteration his loyalty and heroic spirit cannot be ignored.

It would be fascinating for Marvel to explore the relationship between Miles and Ganke in more detail, by reversing their roles. Perhaps Ganke could take on the role of Spider-Man, while Miles supports him in the field, or simply as a friend. Despite some hesitancy, Ganke would surely be up to the challenge and would make the role his own.

5 Humberto Lopez

Reptil in Marvel Comics

Humberto Lopez has had a start-stop career as a vigilante. The young hero learned about the super life through institutions like the Avengers Initiative, which attempted to curate him as the future. But Lopez has since taken his dinosaur powers and started doing things his own way, looking up to Spider-Man as a valuable mentor figure.

As Reptil, Lopez might still have a long way to go, but in another universe he might have a very different set of animal powers to contend with. Fans are aware of the Spider-Man variant Spider-Rex thanks to Across the Spider-Verse. Reptil could be the perfect combination of Spider-Rex and Spider-Man, utilizing his pre-existing abilities and combining them with the web-slinger's in a hilarious and powerful combination.

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4 Eli Bradley

Patriot holds Captain America's Shield

Change is always afoot in Spider-Man's comics and the search for another variant isn't out of the ordinary. However, it's very rare that Marvel represents superhero legacies crossing over when they do explore these 'what if' narratives. Eli Bradley has a huge responsibility in his own right to live up to his heritage.

On Earth-616 Bradley has become Patriot, in an attempt to honor Isaiah Bradley, a former Captain America. But on another realm of existence, Bradley might be imbued with Spider-Man's powers and thus become his own style of superhero that still honors his past. Isaiah would be proud regardless of the mantle Eli took on, and there's no doubt that the Young Avenger is worthy of the role.

3 Tony Stark

The AI Tony Stark in an Iron Man armor.

The position of Spider-Man should be earned, but not everyone is actually worthy to take it on. Tony Stark is perhaps one of the worst choices to masquerade as the web-head, but that's what makes him so compelling. Tony Stark probably wouldn't even have spider powers.

Instead, the Tony Stark of another world would hypothetically create a spider-armor to wield in battle; much as he has for Peter. These mechanical and scientific upgrades might support him in the field, but the real story would be Stark's personal journey to becoming a hero people could connect to. His riches are in stark contrast to Peter's poverty after all, which makes for a shift of the status quo.

2 Matt Hawk

Two Gun Kid on the cover of issue 60 of the titular comic

Matt Hawk is one of the multiple iterations of Two-Gun Kid, a western hero who has largely been forgotten about in the current Marvel continuity. However, the western genre holds an important place in the comic book publisher's history, and bringing back Hawk in an alternative role would be a good way to rejuvenate him.

A western Spider-Man has been portrayed before, but not enough has been done with the concept. Pitching Hawk as an outlaw or famous bounty hunter of the western frontiers would be a great way to give Spider-Man a completely different reputation and backstory. The character's trademark quips would hit pretty differently in this alternative locale and gun web-shooters are the natural weapon for Hawk to carry.

1 George Stacy

NYC Police Captain George Stacy dies in Spider-Man's arms in Marvel Comics

Gwen Stacy has been portrayed as Spider-Woman or Ghost-Spider on alternate worlds, and she has become the hero she was always capable of being. But Stacy's father on Earth-616 was also a valiant protector, serving the community as Captain of the police force.

George Stacy's death is a tragic moment in Peter Parker's life, but things could have been very different. If Stacy became Spider-Man, he would have to balance his duty as a cop and his second life as a vigilante. That's a tense situation, but the motivation of his daughter's safety would inspire him to keep fighting. Spider-Cop already exists as a variant of Insomniac's Spider-Man, but perhaps it should be Stacy in the role.