marvel heroes


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10 Fantastic Marvel Heroes Who Deserve More Attention In Modern Comics

Marvel has a bad habit of setting aside superheroes with huge potential. Handled correctly, War Machine and Red She-Hulk could be household names.

split image: Moira in Inferno, Cyclops and Jean battle in the Dark Phoenix Saga and Emma Frost separates Scott and Jean 1
10 X-Men Comics We Wish Were Canon

The X-Men have experienced more alternate timelines and realities than almost any other Marvel heroes, and a few comics would be better in canon.

A collage featuring The Scarlet Witch, Jean Grey, and Namor in front of a burning Earth 1
10 Marvel Heroes Who Could Destroy the World if They Wanted To

Marvel superheroes like Reed Richards and the Sub-Mariner have saved the Earth repeatedly but they could destroy everything if they really wanted to.

A split image of Human Torch, Hulk, and the Thing in Marvel Comics 1
10 Marvel Heroes Transformed by Their Powers

Marvel Comics is full of heroes whose powers distorted their lives and bodies. From The Hulk to The Silver Surfer, transformation unites many heroes.

Spider-Man and Iron Man ready for action in Marvel Comics 1
10 Marvel Heroes Who Won't Kill (& Why)

While Marvel heroes like the Punisher and Wolverine are defined by their murders, Spider-Man and Ms. Marvel have their reasons for never killing.

A split image of Civil War II, One More Day, and Civil War from Marvel Comics 1
10 Marvel Comics That Ruined Their Main Character

With stories like Secret Empire and One More Day, Marvel's developed a habit of ruining great heroes like Captain American and Spider-Man.

A split image of Cable, Spider-Man, and Loki from Marvel Comics 1
Marvel Characters Who Need to Return To The Status Quo

Comic books are known for their unchanging natures but Marvel heroes like Nick Fury and Gold Goblin need to return to an earlier status quo.

10 Strongest Marvel Hero Friendships 1
10 Strongest Marvel Hero Friendships

From Miles Morales and Ms. Marvel to Reed Richards and The Thing, the Marvel Universe is built on the backs on powerful friendships.

A split image of Spider-Man, the cover to Marvel Ruins, and Iron Man from Marvel Comics 1
10 Marvel Heroes Who Deserve The Marvel Ruins Treatment

In 1995, Warren Ellis reimagined Busiek and Ross' Marvels in Ruins. However, a longer series could have explored heroes like Iron Man and Ms.Marvel.

Dr. Aaron Aikman, Silk, and Miguel O’Hara (Spider-Man 2099) in a split image. 1
10 Spider-Man Variants Who Have Different Powers From Peter Parker

Peter Parker's Spider-Man has many variants running around the multiverse, each with varying powers, such as Dr. Aaron Aikman, Silk, & Miguel O'Hara.

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10 Most Powerful Marvel Heroes With Only One Ability

Select members of the Fantastic Four, X-Men and Avengers only need one ability or power to be the most powerful Marvel heroes.

A split image of Doctor Strange, Daredevil, and Moon Knight from Marvel Comics 1
10 Overrated Marvel Heroes (& How To Fix Them)

Marvel Comics houses some overrated characters like Silver Surfer and Doctor Strange who gained popularity that their narratives couldn't match.

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10 Ways Venom Works Better As A Villain

Despite being often framed as an antihero, Venom just works best when he's one of Marvel's biggest villains.

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10 Most Popular Marvel Couples (& Their Status Today)

Some Marvel couples are iconic, like Peter and MJ, even long after they have separated while others, like Reed and Sue, remain together for decades.

A split image of Iron Man, Wolverine, and Spider-Man from Marvel Comics 1
10 Marvel Characters With The Worst Love Lives

Iron Man and the Scarlet Witch are great at saving the day, but in Marvel's eternal soap opera, the heroes often have awful love lives.

Wolverine and Blade from Marvel Comics split image 1
12 Marvel Heroes With No Respect For Authority

While it doesn't stop them from being effective at their jobs, Marvel heroes like Blade and Wolverine are well-known for their issues with authority.

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8 Powerful Marvel Heroes Who Disappeared Without A Trace

The Marvel Universe is so full of powerful superheroes it's easy for even momentary stars like Darkhawk to vanish without a trace.

Spider-Man and Daredevil collage of their redesigned costumes 1
10 Most Successful Marvel Hero Redesigns

There are quite a few Marvel heroes who redesigned their costumes over the years, but only a few managed to impress fans and stand the test of time.

The Watcher in space and Reed Richards with his inventions split image 1
First 8 Marvel Heroes To Explore The Multiverse

A few Marvel heroes were the first to discover, explore, and protect the Marvel multiverse which is filled with alternate realities and dimensions.

A split image of Hulk, Spider-Man jumping, and Wolverine using his claws from Marvel Comics 1
10 Iconic Marvel Heroes And Their Most Underrated Ability

Marvel's most iconic heroes use some incredibly useful powers that are often underrated, especially when they can't save the world without them.

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