Some special Dragon Ball busts were recently put up for sale and have already sold out.

The busts are from Natsukashii Creation, and they have multiple Dragon Ball products on their website for fans to check out. The ones that got many fans' attention were the fusion warriors of Gogeta and Vegito. These characters were born from desperation when Goku and Vegeta were pushed to their limits and had to fuse to save the day from various threats. Despite their limited appearances in the franchise, they have become fan-favorite characters.

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The Dragon Ball Fusions Come Alive

Gogeta was born in 1995 in the film Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn. The early anime films are non-canon, but the plot involved the Z-Fighters going up against Janemba, who was the essence of pure evil. To stop him and save the world, Goku and Vegeta had to do the Fusion Dance, a popular move within the anime/manga and became Gogeta. They were so strong in this new form that they beat the final form of Janemba in under two minutes. However, the only canon appearance of Gogeta was when the two fused during the Dragon Ball Super: Broly movie many years later.

As for Vegito, he was also born in 1995, but after the mentioned film. He appeared via the Buu Saga when Old Kai gifted Goku and Vegeta the Potarra Earrings. Their combined power level was so great that they could resist multiple forms of Majin Buu's power, including being turned into candy and still being able to fight. They would later return in Dragon Ball Super to fight Zamasu and Goku Black.

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Even though their canon appearances have been limited, as they have only been "in canon" three times, they have appeared in numerous other places within the franchise, including the Dragon Ball Heroes series and numerous video games. There was even a debate about who was the stronger of the two. As for the franchise itself, Dragon Ball Super is set to have a panel at New York Comic Con next month, and there have been rumors for many months about a potential franchise return via a new series or possibly another movie.

Fans can check out the busts and other Dragon Ball merchandise on the official Natsukashii Creation website.

Source:, Twitter