Ahsoka brings back many fan-favorite Star Wars characters for an epic Disney+ series that serves as a spiritual successor to the Star Wars: Rebels animated series. Starring Rosario Dawson as the eponymous Jedi, Ahsoka Tano, the new Disney+ series depicts the rise of a new and terrifying threat in the galaxy after the Empire's collapse in Return of the Jedi. Now, Ahsoka must team up with Sabine Wren and General Hera Syndulla in order to stop Grand Admiral Thrawn's rise to power.

Ahsoka also brings back one of the best characters in Andor, Mon Mothma, a character originated by Caroline Blakiston and now portrayed by Genevieve O'Reilly. Now the Chancellor of the New Republic, Mon Mothma was a crucial figure in the rise of the Rebellion, going on to serve as one of the alliance's greatest leaders in the Galactic Civil War. Audiences became especially acquainted with her in the first season of Andor, which depicted her days working in the Imperial Senate while secretly harboring anti-Imperial motivations. As it stands, Mon Mothma's storyline in Andor may prove to be especially important for her character development as the events of Ahsoka continue to play out.

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How Andor Prepared Mon Mothma For Ahsoka

Mon Mothma in a scene from Andor

Andor was a major risk for Star Wars precisely because of its heavy political undertones, especially those involving Mon Mothma in the Imperial Senate. However, this major risk may be about to pay off with Mothma's return in Ahsoka, giving the character a chance to show exactly what she learned from her early political career. The events of Andor showed Mothma as a part of a silent minority in the Senate that disagreed with the Emperor's actions. Forced to keep a low profile in order not to be discovered as a Rebel sympathizer, Mothma learned to be incredibly discrete in how she chose to fight the Empire. Along the way, Senator Mothma became the perfect picture of political espionage, managing to sabotage the Empire from the shadows while maintaining a public image of patriotism and loyalty.

While it is unclear how Mon Mothma's storyline will play out in Andor Season 2, her political subterfuge may come into play during the events of Ahsoka. Set several years after the Galactic Civil War and the fall of the Empire, the tables have now turned completely, leaving Mon Mothma at the head of the New Republic. However, she still finds herself playing the same game of political espionage, albeit from the opposite side. Just as she sought to bring down the Empire from the inside, it seems other politicians, potentially including Senator Hamato Xiono, wish to bring down the New Republic in a similar fashion. However, having learned from her time in the Imperial Senate, Mon Mothma is the perfect individual to sniff out insubordination before it proves disastrous for the New Republic. Using everything she picked up from her days of political subterfuge, Chancellor Mothma can keep her government from meeting the same fate as the Empire.

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Will Mon Mothma Learn From The Empire’s Mistakes?

Mon Mothma standing with other Senators

After the events of Return of the Jedi, the New Republic must learn from the mistakes of the Empire and form a better government that actually serves the people of the galaxy. However, it remains unclear whether or not Mon Mothma and the other leaders of the New Republic will actually be able to succeed in this endeavor. Audiences know that the New Republic is already failing to keep the Imperial Remnant at bay, with pockets of resistance cropping up throughout the galaxy. Eventually, this remnant will form the First Order, which will initiate another civil war throughout the galaxy. Audiences who have seen the sequel trilogy could easily write off the New Republic as yet another failed government, which let its own hubris be its undoing--just like what happened with the Empire.

However, as the leader of the New Republic, Mon Mothma does have the chance to at least solidify her regime as a new Golden Age for the galaxy. Star Wars has yet to tell of Chancellor Mothma's reign, and whether or not history will look kindly on how she dealt with the rising threat of Thrawn and his armies. In order to truly establish herself as one of the galaxy's greatest leaders, Mothma will need to ensure that she does not ignore the double dealings of her associates. Her years of experience give her plenty of insight into others' true motives, making the Chancellor the perfect person to root out any lingering Imperial sympathizers before they do any lasting damage to the New Republic.

Mon Mothma's character arc in Ahsoka will certainly be one to watch. Audiences who enjoyed the political thriller angle of her storyline in Andor should be sure to keep a careful eye on the New Republic's first Chancellor to see exactly what lessons from her past she will apply to her reign.