Corey Patterson-Comic Features Writer

Corey Patterson

Comic Features Writer

About Corey Patterson

Corey Patterson is a comic book enthusiast who loves talking about all things Spider-Man, the Flash, and Dragon Ball. With over eight years of professional writing experience, he loves sharing his thoughts about the underlying themes of superhero, sci-fi, and fantasy stories. You can find his written work, including book reviews and theological musings, at https://coreywpatterson.wordpress.com, and you can talk to him about who's the coolest superhero on Twitter @cpatters7.

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Who Was The First Supervillain In Marvel Comics?

Defining Marvel's first supervillain depends on how comic book readers understand the term itself.

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Is the Bat-Family Hurting or Helping Gotham City?

The Bat-Family is Gotham's first line of defense, but are their efforts helping the city?

Nott, Caleb, and Jester ready to fight 1
Mighty Nein Origins Proves That Critical Role Stories Are Best Told Through Comics

Critical Role centers around actual play, but the Mighty Nein Origins comic book series tells the real story of the unlikely adventurers perfectly.

A traumatized Abel walking away from home with a broken heart 1
How Middlewest Brilliantly Shows The Reality Of Generational Trauma

The fantasy epic Middlewest tells an imaginative story while unpacking real-world trauma.

Captain Marvel carrying a suitcase to her family's house 1
Why Captain Marvel Is One Of The Most Relatable Characters In Comics

Despite her incredible energy powers, Captain Marvel's life makes her a relatable hero.

Michelangelo in The Last Ronin against a backdrop of comic book TMNT 1
How The Last Ronin Revitalized the TMNT Franchise

The Last Ronin comic series helped reinvigorate the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, offering new ideas and a mature return to form for TMNT fans.

Tragic Looking Daredevil and Spiderman in Marvel Comics 1
Why Daredevil is a More Tragic Hero Than Spider-Man

Daredevil and Spider-Man's lives are marked by misfortune, but The Man Without Fear's Marvel Comics stories are on an entirely different tragic level.

Superman flying in front of a backdrop of Clark Kent revealing the S symbol in DC Comics 1
Why Superman is an Antidote to Toxic Masculinity in Comics

Superman is one of DC Comics' mightiest heroes but his embodiment of positive masculinity has made a difference for millions of readers.

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Why Sam Wilson Is One of the Best Fighters in Marvel Comics

While Sam Wilson has no specific strength-enhancing abilities, he's still one of the most talented fighters in the Marvel Universe.

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How the Spark Gave Nightcrawler the Most Character Development in Years

Nightcrawler has been through a lot of changes over the years, but the Spark has brought new life to the character.