The DC Comics Universe continues to build out a cinematic world of movies, and the Blue Beetle movie release is the latest in that effort. While the movie itself does much to show off the Khaji-Da Scarab, the AI bonded with Jaime Reyes, it arguably fails to do the Scarab and the Blue Beetle justice.

The Blue Beetle is the suit bonded to Jaime Reyes, and the nanotechnology it uses is some of the most adaptable in the entirety of the DC Universe. The capabilities of the AI, combined with the incredibly powerful suit as well as Jaime's own determination and adaptability makes Blue Beetle one of DC's strongest heroes. The ability to survive near any situation or danger, and adapt to it in seconds with an appropriate weapon or power is profoundly advantageous.

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10 Form Alteration

Blue Beetle's Jaime fights for his family against Carapax

As shown in the recent DC Blue Beetle movie, Blue Beetle's suit functions like an exoskeleton, rather than a traditional superhero suit. It can be donned at will through the Khaji-Da Scarab, fusing with Jaime Reyes as he needs it.

Thanks to this adaptability and at-will form appearance, Reyes' suit can alter its form, shifting into various weapons, attachments, and even things like rockets and wings. Khaji-Da seems to even be able to modify Jaime himself, once offering to grow him extra fingers for extra function.

9 Insect Carapace

Xolo Mariduena is leading the Blue Beetle movie.

As alluded to previously, Jaime Reyes' Blue Beetle suit isn't a normal superhero suit. Much like the rigid carapace of an actual beetle, the Blue Beetle suit is a tough, insect-like exoskeleton.

This carapace that Jaime can don renders an extreme amount of protection, very likely referencing the fact that the carapace of an actual beetle is one of the most durable natural-forming exoskeletons in the world. This makes Jaime Reyes one of the most durable superheroes in the entirety of the DC universe, capable of taking insane amounts of punishment while dishing it out in equal measure.

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8 Hazard Protection

Blue Beetle captured by the villainous Shockwave.

While some heroes like Batman need a variety of suits to give them the adaptability they need on the battlefield, Jaime Reyes comes with this feature built-in. His insect-like carapace can rapidly adapt to a variety of situations, and this manifests most in the way it protects him from hazards.

No matter the danger Jaime is thrust into, Khaji-Da can rapidly adapt, ensuring that the Blue Beetle suit can function in space, the heat of a rocket launch, and a variety of other brutal conditions. This adaptability and survivability is a big part of the reason Blue Beetle is such a fearsome hero to face.

7 Improvised Countermeasures

Blue Beetle makes a fierce expression and activates blades on his armor in DC Comics

As shown by the armor's ability to adapt to various hazards, as well as at-will form alteration, the Khaji-Da Scarab is incredibly adaptive and can find a solution to a variety of situations. All of this comes together to give Blue Beetle the ability to counter nearly threat on the fly.

Thanks to Khaji-Da's ability to modify the suit at any moment, as well as its capacity to study Jaime's opponents, the Blue Beetle suit can adapt to any situation, notably even being able to produce artificial kryptonite and disperse fields of magic.

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6 Adaptive AI

The first issue of Blue Beetle's New 52 comic book.

One thing that makes Jaime Reyes a true menace on the battlefield is his sheer adaptability as the Blue Beetle. Not only is Jaime himself a very flexible and capable personality, but Khaji-Da is also incredibly adaptive itself.

The AI integrated with Jaime studies and records every single being he encounters, analyzing and gathering more data than Jaime could ever need. This data can then be rapidly adapted and used to any combat scenario, allowing Jaime to analyze any opponent, and within moments formulate a solution alongside Khaji-Da.

5 Vibrational Frequency Manipulation

Jaime Reyes Blue Beetle in his Scarab armor in DC Comics

The ability to vibrate at different frequencies is often one attributed to the various speedsters within the DC Universe. However, very notably, Khaji-Da grants the Blue Beetle the ability to do the same thing.

Specifically, Khaji-Da can cause the Blue Beetle suit to vibrate at a variety of different frequencies, and the ability to become invisible is only the start of this. If Blue Beetle can vibrate at the right frequencies, he can even simulate the other effects speedsters can exert, such as passing through solid objects and even time travel.

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4 Universal Translator

Jaime Reyes Blue Beetle fires a cannon in DC Comics

Blue Beetle can venture into space and has done so more than once during his adventures. Since Khaji-Da is originally alien technology, it naturally has some integration with the wider universe around Earth. Specifically, Khaji-Da grants Jaime the ability to interact with nearly any denizen of the universe.

Khaji-Da, thanks to its various adaptive technologies, can even analyze and integrate alien languages, granting Jaime the ability to speak fluently with pretty much any being in the universe. Such abilities, however, seem to allude to Khaji-Da having a deeper function than just the extension of a superhero's arsenal.

3 Technology and Energy Interactions

Jaime finds the Blue Beetle in DC Comics

Khaji-Da can not only grant Jaime the ability to interact with any denizen in the universe, but it also grants Blue Beetle the ability to interact with any of their technology. As shown with many of the beetle's abilities, the Blue Beetle suit is highly adaptive and can shift at a moment's notice to adapt to any situation.

This extends to energy and technology, with Blue Beetle able to harness any technology or energy thanks to his suit. Not only can Jaime's suit produce energy like kryptonite radiation, but he's also been seen to absorb the entirety of the energy from a planet-destroying super weapon, disabling it in the process. Not to mention, how easily Blue Beetle can even adapt to technology from the future, like in his adventures with Booster Gold.

2 Time Travel and The Bleed

Ted Kord as the second Blue Beetle in DC comics

Blue Beetle arguably has one of the most complex and adaptive arsenals within the entirety of the DC universe, comparable to the greatest superheroes of the Justice League. This is most perfectly demonstrated in the Blue Beetles' ability to interact with The Bleed.

The Bleed is best described as a pocket dimension, one that Blue Beetle can access to exit the flow of time. This is incredibly complex, to put it simply, as the quantum implications are profound, but it allows Jaime Reyes to exist at multiple points in time at once, giving the appearance of duplicating himself. He's been able to use this to great advantage to stop some incredible threats, by essentially tripling himself in the blink of an eye.

1 Blue Beetle May Contain Weapons of Mass Destruction

Blue Beetle and the Reach hint at WMDs in DC Comics

Blue Beetle is a great force for good and has been for a long time. But when Jaime Reyes first met Khaji-Da, it was a menacing, aggressive AI that answered any situation with violence. This changed with time as Jaime integrated with it, incorporating his own strong beliefs of moral good into the AI. Eventually, the Scarab's original intention was revealed, as Jaime encounters its creator, The Reach.

They are a hive of conquerors, reliant on distributing Scarabs that infiltrate societies and create within them super weapons and infiltrators. To best serve this purpose, each Scarab itself seems to carry Weapons of Mass Destruction. Jaime has never directly harnessed these, but their existence has been alluded to in the past.