TV villains can prove to be worthy adversaries, either through their diabolical nature or their overly dramatic showmanship. Although these bad guys are not derived from fairytales, they would still make some pretty convincing Disney movie villains.

Some antagonists, like Firelord Ozai from Avatar: The Last Airbender, are master manipulators, and they invoke terror every moment they are on the screen. Other villains, like Ice King from Adventure Time, are so comically bad that they could undoubtedly play a leading role in a more light-hearted Disney production. A few of these characters can wield all-powerful magic, making them feel like they come straight out of Walt Disney Studios. Whether these TV characters are over-the-top evil or they exhibit tremendous magical power, they replicate some of the most iconic Disney villains ever created.

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10 The Shame Wizard

Big Mouth

Shame Wizard

Netflix's Big Mouth isn't suited for families and children, namely because of its unapologetically crass sexual humor. Even so, some of its themes about mental health would work perfectly in a Disney movie. The concept of the Shame Wizard is one of them.

Shame Wizard is one of Big Mouth's main recurring antagonists. He represents the universal feeling of insecurity and self-loathing that humans sometimes face as they grow. The Shame Wizard may present himself as a cartoonish warlock, but the feelings of self-doubt he invokes in the characters are real. He would be the perfect addition to a Disney and Pixar collaboration, reminiscent of the hit film Inside Out.

9 Peter III

The Great

Peter III in Hulu's The Great is the optimal balance of malicious and melodramatic. His immature antics and performative personality would make him the ideal candidate for a Disney musical villain.

Part of Peter's charm is his childlike nature. Although he undoubtedly mistreats Catherine and his friends in The Great, he does achieve some semblance of personal growth. This also makes him a complex character who can easily mirror some of Pixar's antagonists. At the same time, Peter III still embodies the showmanship and dramatics that will remind viewers of some of the most iconic Disney villains of all time, including characters like Hades, Captain Hook, and Ratigan.

RELATED: Smartest Characters in Hulu's The Great, Ranked

8 Lila Rossi

Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir

Lila Rossi is one of the prominent bullies in Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir. She is cunning, manipulative, and ultimately self-serving. These are all qualities that would give her a starring role in one of Disney's coming-of-age films.

Disney has plenty of movies centering around the troubles of high school teens. In Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir, Lila is a pathological liar who makes up grandiose stories for attention. This particular trait of hers would mold her into a great foil opposite a Disney protagonist. While Lila appears to be irredeemable in the series, her character is wonderfully cartoonish for an excellent animated flick.

7 Dracula


Dracula crying red tears in Netflix's Castlevania.

Disney's most classic villains are generally considered all-powerful, especially when it comes to wielding magic for mayhem. Castlevania may be intended for adults, but its main foe, Dracula, strikes similar tones to some of Disney's worst. Dracula is the ultimate powerhouse of evil, bent on revenge and world domination.

He wields all the supernatural abilities of a vampire, and he also owns a lavish and ominous-looking fortress. His castle brings dark undertones prominent in Disney's Beauty and the Beast, but the parallels don't end there. Dracula is set on revenge against the human race for killing his human wife. This love story between a monster and a woman strikes many similarities to one of Disney's most iconic films of all time.

6 Squilliam Fancyson

Spongebob Squarepants

Squilliam Fancyson

Squilliam Fancyson is one of Spongebob Squarepants' most entitled characters. In almost every episode he appears in, he flaunts his cushy lifestyle and seemingly unlimited wealth in the hopes of making Bikini Bottom's residents feel bad about themselves.

Squilliam is undoubtedly a cold-hearted bully, and he is also extremely petty. It seems like his sole purpose in Spongebob Squarepants is to make Squidward's life miserable. His personality is a similar character type often used in smaller-scale Disney and Pixar movies. While Squilliam likely won't be compared to classic villains such as Maleficient in Sleeping Beauty, he could pass for someone like Ercole in Luca.

RELATED: 10 Times Spongebob Squarepants Broke Out Hearts

5 Ben Chang


Ben Chang's unpredictability in Community sparks hilarity in every episode he is featured. His overzealous plots and chaotic personality strike the perfect chord for a Disney villain in a raucous comedy.

In Community's third season, Chang is motivated to take over Greendale in an outrageous revenge plot after he is fired. He hires a look-alike impostor of the dean while holding the real dean captive. Despite the series being live-action, Chang's antics reek of cartoonish inspiration. If he were put into a Disney film, his devious schemes would be made even more hysterical with the use of bright and zany animation. Chang may not be a redeemable character, but he would still be a blast to watch from his rise to his epic takedown.

4 The Ice King

Adventure Time

Adventure Time's Ice King is undoubtedly one of the show's main antagonists, but he has the entertaining complex of being awful at being evil. Ice King lusts for power and the love of Princess Bubblegum, but he is too scatterbrained to succeed in any of his diabolical plots.

While most Disney villains ooze extreme malice, there are some characters who emphasize comedy rather than terror. That's why Ice King could be featured in a lighter Disney or Pixar comedy. When Finn and Jake come into contact with the Ice King in Adventure Time, they are rarely in any danger due to his incompetence. Ice King's bumbling personality and clumsy plans solidify him as an enjoyably hilarious bad guy.

3 The Night King

Game of Thrones

The Night King in Game of Thrones surrounded by fire.

Some of Disney's most terrifying villains are known for their seemingly infinite magical prowess. These supernatural abilities often can't be fully explained, similar to that of the Night King from HBO's Game of Thrones.

The Night King creates an overarching threat in the popular fantasy series, complete with a frozen undead army. While he never utters a single word, his ice-blue eyes and menacing presence give anyone the chills. His ominous design and brutal thirst for domination replicate the same desires as most Disney villains. He may play a silent role in Game of Thrones, but he carries enough magical malice to drive any Disney plot in a feature-length film.

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2 Terra

Teen Titans

Terra is perhaps one of the most misguided and misunderstood antagonists in cartoon history, and her role in Teen Titans would make her the ultimate redeemable villain. As someone who started on the side of good, only to be persuaded to join evil for all the wrong reasons, she is an incredibly complex character.

Terra is willing to betray her friends in order to gain control of her powers. She is so struck with self-loathing that she believes she can only be a villain. Her rise to evil and her subsequent redemption arc in Teen Titans drive an important story about morality and how it manifests in shades of gray. In recent years, Disney has embraced more redemption stories, including Kylo Ren in the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy. Because of this, Terra would be an optimal character in their line-up.

1 Firelord Ozai

Avatar: The Last Airbender

While he isn't fully revealed until later in the series, Firelord Ozai in Avatar: The Last Airbender embodies terror and terrible power with every breath. With a chilling vocal performance by Mark Hamill, this character balances both the quiet calculation and the unhinged temper of an iconic Disney adversary.

Firelord Ozai is ruthless in his domination of entire civilizations. He is even willing to abandon his kin to get what he needs. In Avatar: The Last Airbender, Ozai's decisions as ruler of the Fire Nation condemn his nephew to death as a soldier. He also banishes his son Zuko without showing a trace of remorse. He will never stop his quest for power, which would make him a formidable opponent in any Disney adventure.