The Marvel Cinematic Universe has fully embraced long-form storytelling with its new Disney+ series, including WandaVision, Secret Invasion, and Loki. However, these streaming series are far from the franchise's first foray into the world of television. Years ago, Marvel Studios' most inventive television storylines came in the form of series like Agent Carter.

Following the exploits of Hayley Atwell's Peggy Carter after the events of Captain America: The First Avenger, ABC's Agent Carter ran for two seasons before being abruptly canceled. Nevertheless, the series still managed to deliver some truly terrific television episodes in its short time on the air.

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10 Now Is Not The End

Season 1, Episode 1

Agent Carter's pilot episode, "Now is Not the End" kicked off one of the MCU's best non-Disney+ series by reintroducing Hayley Atwell's eponymous character after the end of World War II and the events of Captain America: The First Avenger. Now working for the Strategic Scientific Reserve, Peggy Carter looks for new meaning in life while struggling with the rampant misogyny she faces in the office.

The pilot episode gives audiences a fresh perspective on Peggy Carter's life after the war, including how she coped with the loss of Steve Rogers, a.k.a. Captain America. It also introduces audiences to the lovable cast of the series, including Enver Gjokaj's Daniel Sousa, Chad Michael Murray's Jack Thompson, and James D'arcy's Edwin Jarvis.

9 Hollywood Ending

Season 2, Episode 10

The final episode of Agent Carter's second season also acts as the series finale. Entitled "Hollywood Ending," the finale depicts the final battle between Peggy Carter and Whitney Frost, who wields a terrifying amount of Zero Matter. Carter and her allies eventually emerge victorious, but only barely.

After a satisfying conclusion to the ongoing conflict with Frost, Agent Carter's final episode finally gives viewers what they had been waiting for: the beginning of Peggy and Daniel Sousa's romantic relationship. However, Agent Carter also ends on a massive cliffhanger, as Agent Jack Thompson is gunned down in his hotel room by an unseen assailant.

8 A Little Song And Dance

Season 2, Episode 9

Agent Carter's penultimate episode, "A Little Song and Dance," features the villainous Whitney Frost as she attempts to absorb the remaining Zero Matter, which will only grow her incredible set of powers. Peggy Carter and her team desperately try to stop Frost, but doing so would potentially lead to the death of Vernon Masters.

"A Little Song and Dance" includes some of the most dramatic storytelling in the entire series, showcasing just how exciting Agent Carter could have become had it been renewed for future seasons. The episode also ends on a massive cliffhanger, as massive amounts of Zero Matter are unleashed into the world.

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7 Life Of The Party

Season 2, Episode 6

After several unsuccessful attempts to obtain the mysterious substance known as Zero Matter, Peggy Carter's team is forced to trust their enemy, Dottie Underwood, to help them in the season two episode "Life of the Party." Underwood and Edwin Jarvis go undercover at a Council of Nine meeting in an attempt to reach Whitney Frost, the final source of Zero Matter.

This episode has some fun with the dynamics between its characters and Dottie Underwood, who constantly keeps audiences guessing as to her true allegiance. The episode also continues to build up the fan-favorite romance between Carter and Daniel Sousa, whom many viewers hoped would become the husband Peggy mentioned in Captain America: The Winter Soldier.

6 The Lady In The Lake

Season 2, Episode 1

Season 2 of Agent Carter got off to a great start in its premiere episode, "The Lady in the Lake." Sometime after defeating Leviathan, Peggy Carter now works with her former rival, Jack Thompson, to apprehend Dottie Underwood. However, events begin to spring into motion that will drive the rest of the season.

Agent Carter's second season premiere ups the ante, as the series tackles a much bigger storyline and a much more exciting villain than in its first season. The episode ends with the introduction of Whitney Frost, played by Wynn Everett, who many viewers would immediately recognize as the future Marvel villain Madame Masque.

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5 Monsters

Season 2, Episode 7

All seems lost for Peggy Carter's team in "Monsters," the seventh episode in Agent Carter's second season. The episode features the fallout of Whitney Frost's big power grab at the end of the previous episode as she begins to grow into one of Peggy Carter's most lethal villains in the MCU.

As dire as the situation for Carter's team may be in "Monsters," it is nevertheless endlessly entertaining for viewers to watch Whitney Frost's rise to power. After killing the Council of Nine and establishing herself as the season's true villain, Frost becomes one of the most entertaining antagonists in the entire series.

4 A Sin To Err

Season 1, Episode 6

"A Sin to Err" is the sixth episode of Agent Carter's first season. Therein, Peggy Carter and Edwin Jarvis desperately attempt to figure out the identity of Leviathan's undercover agent. Upon learning that Dottie Underwood is the person they are looking for, the heroes find themselves outwitted when it is revealed that Dottie has framed them for her crimes.

Many of the season's diverging plot threads come together in this episode, leaving Peggy Carter and her compatriots in a bad place. The episode also marks the official beginning of the rivalry between Carter and Dottie Underwood, which becomes one of the most delightful aspects of the series moving forward.

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3 Valediction

Season 1, Episode 8

In the season one finale of Agent Carter, entitled "Valediction," Peggy Carter and her friends enter the final stage of their battle against the evil organization known as Leviathan. Having been brainwashed by Leviathan, Howard Stark is prepared to drop a lethal cylinder of gas on New York City, forcing Peggy to reason with her friend before he commits genocide.

Action is heavy and emotions are high in Agent Carter's first season finale. Not only does the episode live up to the hype set up earlier in the season, but it also includes one of the most memorable moments in the entire series, as Howard Stark tearfully recounts his own guilt at the loss of Captain America during the war.

2 The Iron Ceiling

Season 1, Episode 5

The fifth episode of Agent Carter's first season, "The Iron Ceiling" explores the backstory of Bridget Regan's Dottie Underwood, who is revealed to be a graduate of the Red Room, the secret Soviet program that trains Black Widow agents. Dottie goes on to frame Peggy for betraying the SSR, leading her to lose the hard-earned trust of her colleagues.

This episode contains some exciting connections to the larger Marvel Cinematic Universe. Not only is the Black Widow program featured, but the episode also includes appearances from the remaining members of Captain America's Howling Commandos, including Dum-Dum Dugan.


Season 1, Episode 7

One of Agent Carter's very best episodes is also the penultimate installment of its first season. Entitled "SNAFU," this episode depicts Carter finally coming clean to her coworkers about her ongoing investigation. Bridges are mended--but not before Leviathan agents storm SSR headquarters in an attempt to kill the heroes.

As the main cast of the series finally unites to work toward a common goal, Agent Carter finally finds its footing. The episode also closes with one of the show's most emotional moments, as Roger Dooley, Carter's superior, sacrifices himself to help his agents escape the Leviathan operatives coming to kill them.