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The Harry Potter movies showcased J.K. Rowling's genius storytelling and character creation. With Harry, Ron and Hermione first hitting the screens in 2001, Warner Bros. did its absolute best in bringing the Wizarding World to life. Besides the heroic trio, Harry Potter featured some interesting characters, such as Hogwarts' very own Albus Dumbledore.

There were, however, also a multitude of Hogwarts professors that left a lasting impression on Harry Potter fans. Sadly, not all Hogwarts professors made memorable appearances, and some even completely vanished from fans' minds. But from likable professors, such as Remus Lupin, to more boring ones, like Rolanda Hooch, the Harry Potter movies had a lot to offer.

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10 Left an Impression: Remus Lupin

David Thewlis as remus lupin pointing his wand at a Dementor in Harry potter

Remus Lupin was an exceptional Hogwarts professor in Harry Potter. Lupin assumed the role of Defense Against the Dark Arts professor during his time at Hogwarts and was generally loved by his students and Harry Potter fans. Remus Lupin was kind, compassionate and extremely loyal to his friends, especially Harry and Sirius Black.

Although he was a Hogwarts professor, Lupin was also a werewolf after being attacked by Fenrir Greyback when he was still a child. Having to listen to his animal instincts, Lupin often feared that he would cause pain to those he loved, leading to a rather tragic life. Remus Lupin definitely left an impression on those around him and can generally be seen as one of the most likable Hogwarts professors.

9 Didn't Leave an Impression: Filius Flitwick

Filius Flitwick helping with protective enchantments in Harry Potter.

Filius Flitwick was Hogwarts' Charm Master and Conductor of the Frog Choir. Although Professor Flitwick flew under the radar, he had a big heart for his students and fellow teachers. Professor Flitwick was also depicted as a very intelligent man and mostly liked by his colleagues in Harry Potter.

Professor Flitwick was played by none other than Warwick Davis, but unfortunately, Harry Potter fell short of giving his character enough exposure in the movies. First appearing as Hogwarts' professor of Charms, before later conducting a choir, Harry Potter never cared to explain and further develop Professor Flitwick's character, which led to him becoming mainly forgotten.

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8 Left an Impression: Minerva McGonagall

Minerva McGonagall casting a spell at the Battle of Hogwarts

Professor McGonagall was an excellent example of a strong female character, with Harry Potter portraying Professor McGonagall as an extremely intelligent and powerful witch. Although Professor McGonagall taught Transfiguration at Hogwarts, her power greatly exceeded simple transfiguration spells as she played an important role during the Battle of Hogwarts.

What made Professor McGonagall so remarkable in Harry Potter was the well-adjusted balance between her strict but fair attitude to teaching and her lovable and charismatic attitude. Professor McGonagall was loved by Hogwarts students and fans, leaving a lasting impression.

7 Didn't Leave an Impression: Sybill Trelawney

Sybill Trelawney teaching Divination in Harry Potter.

Sybill Trelawney was another one of those Hogwarts professors who could have been relevant to the story of Harry Potter but ended up being disregarded later on in the movie franchise. Initially, Professor Trelawney played an important role in Harry Potter as she foresaw Voldemort's defeat, as well as its correlation with the chosen one.

Unfortunately for Professor Trelawney, teaching Divination at Hogwarts and being thrown out by Dolores Umbridge in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix were the only things that actually left an impression. She was not particularly liked by students, and her quirky character made Harry Potter fans look elsewhere for their favorite professor.

6 Left an Impression: Gilderoy Lockhart

Gilderoy Lockhart's memory charm backfiring in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Harry Potter fans surely felt uneasy when first seeing the egocentric Gilderoy Lockhart in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Obsessed with none other but himself, Lockhart had a strong personality and did not shy away from sharing it with everyone.

Although fans might wish he didn't, Lockhart definitely left his mark in the Harry Potter universe. Not only was he featured in the first and only Harry Potter after-credits scene, but he was also arguably the worst professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts. His arrogance finally met a fitting end when he hit himself with the Memory Charm, turning mad in the process.

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5 Didn't Leave an Impression: Rolanda Hooch

Rolanda Hooch, played by Zoë Wanamaker, in Harry Potter

Rolanda Hooch was a Flying Instructor at Hogwarts and made her first appearance in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. The Harry Potter movies portrayed her as a likable character, and students respected her feelings about sportsmanship and respect during Quidditch matches.

Unfortunately for Hooch, the Harry Potter movies presumably did not want to further expose her character in the later movies, and she quickly became a fleeting memory in the minds of Harry Potter fans. Hooch did teach a rather important subject at Hogwarts but sadly did not leave a lasting impression during her short time on-screen.

4 Left an Impression: Rubeus Hagrid

Rubeus Hagrid in Harry Potter.

As one of the most beloved Harry Potter characters, Rubeus Hagrid showed what being compassionate and kind-hearted was all about. Hagrid was beloved by students and fellow professors alike, except for some more unpleasant Slytherin students, showing his gentle personality through his role as professor of Care of Magical Creatures.

Harry Potter gave Hagrid's character a fair amount of exposure, as he could be seen from the first Harry Potter movie until the last. Not many Harry Potter characters left as big of an impression as Hagrid, and none could have replaced him in the hearts of Harry, Ron and Hermione.

3 Didn't Leave an Impression: Pomona Sprout

pomona sprout

Although Pomona Sprout was responsible for the famous Mandrake scene in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, the Harry Potter movies did not put much urgency on growing her character in the subsequent movies. As a professor of Herbology, Pomona Sprout knew a lot about magical plants and their usability, but the Harry Potter movies barely picked up on her expertise.

Professor Sprout was the perfect example of a Hufflepuff, with her dedication and warm nature shining through during her short appearances. With some minor exceptions, Hufflepuff was generally underappreciated in Harry Potter and only occasionally left a lasting impression.

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2 Left an Impression: Severus Snape

Alan Rickman as Severus Snape remembering Lily and his role in her death

Hogwarts' very own Death Eater, Severus Snape, was a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts and could arguably be seen as one of the most influential and amazingly constructed characters in the whole Harry Potter universe. The early Harry Potter movies displayed Professor Snape as rather unpleasant, seemingly bullying Harry on several occasions. With time, the Harry Potter movies explained their relation to one another, and Snape quickly became adored by the whole Harry Potter community.

Leaving an impression with fans was sadly not enough to save Professor Snape from the curse of professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, as he was killed by Voldemort in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2. Professor Snape's death was one of the most devastating moments in the Harry Potter movies and will surely not be forgotten by any true Harry Potter fans.

1 Didn't Leave an Impression: Quirinus Quirrell

Quirinus Quirrell, played by Ian Hart, in Harry Potter

Quirnius Quirrell was a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts and played an important role during Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. After looking for Lord Voldemort in an attempt to gain recognition, the Dark Lord took over Professor Quirrell's body. Sadly for Professor Quirrell, this was the only and last time he would be important to the Wizarding World.

Quirinus Quirrell was a pretty mysterious character, but the Harry Potter movies never bothered to further develop his personality. Harry Potter had many impressive professors, but sadly, Quirrell's short time on-screen, as well as his death in the first movie, left no significant impression on fans.